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Wellness in Wells • Jul 12, 2023

Why cutting your toenails is important for good health

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Toenail cutting is important for maintaining good foot health and preventing various issues. Here are some reasons why toenail cutting is important:

  1. Preventing ingrown nails:   Trimming toenails properly helps prevent ingrown nails, which occur when the edge of the nail grows into the surrounding skin. Ingrown nails can be painful, lead to infections, and increase the risk of other foot problems.
  2. Reducing the risk of nail-related infections:  When toenails are too long, they can create an environment for bacteria and fungi to thrive. Trimming nails short and keeping them clean reduces the risk of nail infections, such as fungal infections (onychomycosis) and bacterial infections.
  3. Avoiding discomfort and pain:  Overgrown toenails can cause discomfort and pain. They may press against the inside of shoes, leading to pressure sores, blisters, or corns. Proper nail trimming ensures that the nails remain at a comfortable length, reducing discomfort and pain.
  4. Promoting proper foot mechanics:  If toenails are excessively long, they can interfere with the normal mechanics of the foot. This can lead to changes in gait, pressure distribution, and overall foot function. Trimming toenails allows the toes and feet to move and function optimally.
  5. Maintaining foot hygiene:   Trimming toenails is part of good foot hygiene. It helps to keep the feet clean and prevents the accumulation of dirt, debris, or sweat under the nails. Proper foot hygiene is essential for preventing foot odor, fungal infections, and other foot-related issues.

When trimming toenails, it is important to follow some guidelines for proper nail care:

  • Use clean, sterilized nail clippers or scissors specifically designed for toenails.
  • Trim the nails straight across, avoiding curved or rounded edges. This helps prevent ingrown nails.
  • Do not cut the nails too short, as it can increase the risk of ingrown nails and injury.
  • Smooth the edges of the nails with a nail file to prevent sharp edges.
  • Trim nails regularly to maintain an appropriate length, typically every 2-3 weeks.

If you have difficulty trimming your own toenails or if you have specific foot conditions or concerns, it is advisable to seek assistance from a healthcare professional, such as a podiatrist. They can provide guidance on proper nail care and address any foot-related issues you may have.

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